Programming languages have
fascinated me since I started working in IT/Automation. Programming Languages
can be defined as "A set of instructions called the 'Syntax,' and the
string of code generated from combining these syntaxes, creates a formal
language used to communicate with machines such as computers." (Ahmed et
al., 2021, p.1) Programming languages
can be separated into High level and Low level. Low-Level programming is close
to processor instructions, and High-level programming is a structured syntax
that can be easily readable by the programmer. The
history of computers started with computers programmed in assembly to do basic mathematical
tasks. It will continue with high-level programming languages that enable a
programmer to use the latest hardware and create solutions for business and
personal users.
learned my first programming language in 1995 with QBASIC, which helped me,
later on, develop VBA projects for Excel and Access. I have found BASIC
to be helpful in business applications because Microsoft chose Visual BASIC to
be able to customize their office suite. Excel spreadsheets with VBA
programming can make some powerful spreadsheets that can save hours for the accounting
department. Working with databases usually includes understanding a query
programming language and the programming language being used. For example, SQL
and VBA programming are needed to accomplish a project in an Access database. With
as many practical uses of BASIC, I was surprised by this journal's findings "we
conducted a survey determining the choice of a language among programmers and
nonprogrammers, which complemented the results gathered from the study. We
found that Python outperforms others in terms of its readability and
writability, while Java is proven to be the most reliable of all." (Ahmed
et al., 2021, p.1) while my programming
experience is limited, I think Visual BASIC is still on the market to stay.
Computer and mobile
device programming is essential in Information Technology. Standard
applications and programs can interact with computers, mobile devices, and wearable
gear. For example, mobile devices can now record inventory on databases in
real-time. These mobile devices scan a bar code or qr code on the item and add
it to the inventory as items are being received. Also, it can subtract the
items from inventory as it is being scanned to fulfill an order. A system like
this relies on many computer servers to host the databases, applications to run
on mobile devices, and wireless networks to interact between servers and
devices. It also relies on programming to customize the application to the business
needs. So a simple inventory application with today's technology can relate to
multiple aspects of Information Technology.
Ahmed, Z., Kinjol, F.
J., & Ananya, I. J. (2021). Comparative Analysis of Six Programming
Languages Based on Readability, Writability, and Reliability. 2021 24th
International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT),
Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2021 24th International Conference
On, 1–6.
Mekouar, L. (2022).
The Art of Teaching Programming Languages: Challenges and Accomplishments. 2022
IEEE World Engineering Education Conference (EDUNINE), Engineering Education
Conference (EDUNINE), 2022 IEEE World, 1–6.
Vahid, F., &
Lysecky, S. (2019). Computing technology for all. zyBooks.